Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay

Introduction This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the fashion industry especially in consideration young and mature women in London. Fashions are concerned with the production of fashion clothing. Most consumers in the world today are concerned with the features of the product as they form most important factor in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for example of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The industry is involved in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that make women move with times thus increasing consumption and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Look more:  the consumer buying process begins when essay RESEARCH OBJECTIVES   The answers to this question will enhance my professional knowledge and competence in many ways.   As a professional I will understand factors influencing consumption in the industry and will enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market share.The answers to this question also will assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products. 1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing 2)To compare and contrast the buying behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding buying of fashion clothing 3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London 4)To provide recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer. Scope of the study The scoop of the study follows literature review of factors influencing. The researcher manages the entire gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the researcher in this research in managing the entire project and providing real time for information sharing, decision synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute required by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors like family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, have no impact on the consumer behaviors. The proposed study will be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study will include; Experimental Correlation Survey Grounded theory Ethnography Narrative Mixed method Action research. This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practical’s as a platform to develop method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchers The critical review Literature review Consumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Culture factors In world today culture is one of the most fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services.   Most of the people due to their cultural influence have started preferring certain products.   Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific values that are crucial to a determining consumption. One of the values they like most is comfort.   These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up. From the culture, somebody may develop certain spending patterns is not something strange.   A child growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are known to be very efficient in their operations will be preferred. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identifications.   To its some people consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have good distinct cultural styles.   They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. Social factor   Another factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups.   When once goes to the market to purchase a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social class and family.   These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions.   These are the groups one associates with most of his time. We have some groups like the upper class prefer buying some products which are not preferred by lower class.   Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill needs this groups and attracts many people.   The influence of a family is very great.   These families using specifics brands greatly encourage their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence one’s buying decision.   If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. People are also influenced by reference groups in three ways.   Reference groups usually expose a person to a new behavior and lifestyle.   One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product.   If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups also influence one’s attitudes because their desires fit in these groups. People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision.   So doing one will eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend. People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior.   For example there is upper class people who are social elite with a good family background. Personal factors Age and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume different products. In making the final decision of buying a product one’s personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in order to meet the needs and demand of its people. A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume. For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort. People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology. Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern.   Most people especially those who are highly paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products. The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern.   People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group. Personality and self-concept: Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidence Psychological factors Motivation: some people get satisfied when they buy specific products.   people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services. Perception: once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act.   Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the perception of a specific customer.   For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car. Beliefs and attitudes: most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer. A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption.   These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images. People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research design that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This particular study will be done in two phases where the first phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of twenty fashion show owners within London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design. The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out information concerning buying behaviors’ among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994). The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole population of the young and mature. The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind. In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented. Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his project. Some researchers do use multiple designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with. There are three major components in a research design model and they are; determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information. Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found. After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey; the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed. The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research. There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use. It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spent making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing. Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researcher’s project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection. The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research. Data analysis After the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages. The processing of the survey results. The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps are; Coding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is often advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations. Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes. Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for further analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables. Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or opportunity which is being investigated. REFERENCES Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 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Succubus on Top CHAPTER 17

â€Å"Should I put up Lorelei Biljan's posters now? Or wait until after E. J. Putnam's gone?† I looked up from the invoices on my desk. I'd just reread the same line of numbers about five times without comprehending any of it, and I was having only a little better luck parsing Tammi's question. I rubbed my eyes. â€Å"Why†¦would we wait?† She shrugged. â€Å"Dunno. Just seems kind of rude to be advertising one author during another one's signing.† My mind moved slowly, probably because only 5 percent of it was actually here at the bookstore. The rest of my brainpower attempted to muddle through the disaster that was my life. â€Å"Um†¦no, it doesn't matter. Put them both up. They're only a week apart, and we want Biljan to get a fair shot at publicity too. Besides, I don't think authors really get worked up over competition like that. They're pretty low-key.† Tammi ran a hand through her short red hair. â€Å"I don't know. They're famous and artistic. Seems like that's a bad combination. Temperamental and stuff. Not all writers can be like Seth. In fact, I bet when he gets angry enough about something, he could really let someone have it.† â€Å"Anything else?† I asked, a sharp note of dismissal in my voice. â€Å"Otherwise, just put up all the posters, okay?† She gave me a startled look and left the office. When the door closed, I put my head down on the desk and groaned. Tammi, in her blissful adolescent na §?te, had no idea how close to home she had hit. Like her, I too believed Seth could display a lot of anger if given enough cause. Like, say, his girlfriend cheating on him. True, Bastien had been right in saying Seth and I had loose definitions of â€Å"cheating,† but even I knew what did and did not qualify. There was no gray area here. No mutability. I had fucked up hard-core. I'd known it too, lying there in that unholy union with Bastien. After my sleepless night, I'd left him around dawn and took a cab back to Queen Anne, my body still aching. I hadn't wanted to talk to him. He'd slept so heavily, he hadn't heard me leave. No guilt weighed him down. But me? My cup of guilt was runnething over. Not only that, I still had to make the next decision in this mess: to tell or not to tell? That was what had really bothered me all day at work. The past was over; I could only worry about it for so long. My attention now focused on how to proceed with the future. Fortunately, Seth had worked from home today, which helped a little. He and I eventually had plans to meet up in the evening, but until that happened, I still had time to come up with something. Anything. Yet when I walked home at the end of my shift, I was no closer to an answer than I had been at the beginning of the day. Miserable, I pulled up a chair at my kitchen table and sat down with pen and paper. Aubrey jumped up on the table's flat surface and lay down to watch me, half of her sprawling on the page. I slid her off and made the following list: DONT TELL SETH Pros: status quo resumes, he won't be upset Cons: my own gnawing guilt, totally blowing the honesty thing I considered the list for a moment, surprised that neither the pro nor con side had more items. It was just that simple. Moving farther down the paper, I wrote up the reciprocal list. TELL SETH Pros: right thing to do Cons: admitting I'm an idiot, painfully emotional blowout, inevitable breakup, a literal eternity of heart-wrenching sorrow and regret I held the pen and looked back and forth between both lists. â€Å"This isn't really clearing things up, Aubrey.† In an effort to relieve my frustration, I hurled the pen somewhere into my living room. She watched it sail off with interest and then darted off to confirm the kill. â€Å"What do you need to tell Seth?† â€Å"Jesus!† I yelled, practically jumping ten feet in the air. Carter had appeared out of nowhere and now stood beside the table, looking casual and laconic. He wore a black T-shirt over a gray thermal shirt and the same jeans I swear he'd had on for the last couple decades. â€Å"Don't do that, okay? Knocking isn't a lost art.† â€Å"Sorry.† He pulled a chair out and straddled it, so his long arms draped lazily over the back. Flipping his stringy blond hair out of the way, he gestured toward my list. â€Å"Didn't mean to interrupt.† â€Å"You're not,† I muttered, crumpling up the paper. I tossed that into the living room too, so Aubrey could have more to hunt. â€Å"Anything you want to talk about?† he offered. I hesitated. Of all the people I knew, only Carter had been a steadfast believer in Seth and me having a serious relationship. He was the only one who hadn't treated it as a joke. In some ways, that might have made him a good confidante, yet it also disqualified him. I could not confess to the one person who had believed in me just how seriously I had messed things up in a weak moment. â€Å"No,† I said brusquely. â€Å"But I assume you have something to talk about.† He eyed me a moment, like he might push me on what I clearly held back, but then he let the matter go. â€Å"I have something for you.† He extended a balled fist. When he opened it, I found a small pouch lying on his palm. I picked it up and stroked the material. I had no idea what it was, but the cloth's smooth texture felt like a flower petal. I started to open it. â€Å"Don't,† he warned. His commanding tone instantly made me stop. â€Å"You'll break the spell.† â€Å"What spell?† â€Å"The one that masks what's inside the pouch. And the one that masks your immortal signature. â€Å" I nodded with understanding. I might not know what to do with my own love life, but immortal conspiracies I could follow. â€Å"To hide me and this from Alec's supplier.† The angel nodded in return. I held up the pouch and waggled it at him. â€Å"So do I get to know what's in there?† â€Å"It's a†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He paused, not from a reluctance to tell me but to search for the right word. â€Å"It's a dart, I guess. Or maybe†¦like, an arrowhead. But that sounds weird. Nah, let's call it a dart. It's only about an inch long. A dart that looks like a small wooden arrowhead.† â€Å"Um. Okay. Got it. And what do I do with this darting arrowhead thing?† â€Å"You pierce the other immortal's heart with it.† â€Å"Whoa. Like†¦staking a vampire?† â€Å"Uh, not entirely. You'll sort of have to see when the time comes. The key is to move fast. As soon as you open the pouch, he'll know what you are and what's in there. You don't want to give him time to react because it won't be pretty if he does. Act fast, and don't second-guess yourself.† â€Å"How is a small piece of wood going to solve all our problems?† â€Å"It's special wood,† he replied with a grin. â€Å"Oh, yeah, that explains everything.† â€Å"Are you close to meeting him?† â€Å"Terribly close, actually. I probably could have met him yesterday if I'd wanted. Alec was very keen on introducing us.† Carter frowned, turning this over in his mind. â€Å"Hmm. Odd.† â€Å"Should I be worried?† â€Å"No more worried than you already should be at the thought of attacking an immortal.† â€Å"But I'll be fine if I just act fast and don't overthink it, huh?† â€Å"Right. I imagine that's pretty common for you anyway.† â€Å"Anything else I should know?† â€Å"Well†¦let's see. Yeah. One thing. Don't actually do it until there's provocation.† â€Å"What?† I stared. â€Å"Being a bastard who pushes addictive substances that destroy mortals isn't provocation enough?† â€Å"Oddly, no. You have to be threatened in some way.† Annoyed, I tossed the pouch onto the table. This was so typical of Carter and Jerome. A bizarrely complex scheme with ridiculous nuances and loopholes. â€Å"Threatened? How can he threaten me? He can't unless†¦wait, he's not an immortal who could kill me, is he?† â€Å"No, of course not. But he could make things very†¦uncomfortable for you. Anyway, there's a lot of ways to threaten a person. If he hurts you†¦or you feel vulnerable†¦like he could abuse his power over you, then that'll work. He's a stronger immortal than you. Preying on you – especially when you belong to Jerome, so to speak – is a big no-no. You would be justified in protecting yourself. But, if you attack wantonly, you'll get in trouble from the powers that be for targeting other immortals. You'll also get us in trouble for arming you.† â€Å"This sounds kind of like entrapment.† â€Å"That's an ugly word. Let's just keep it in terms of self-defense.† â€Å"So, you think things are going to get rough enough that I'll actually need self-defense?† He hesitated. â€Å"I don't know. I just don't know.† â€Å"Yeah, but then, if this guy's perfectly nice and just sells me a stash of ambrosia, I can't do anything? We've wasted the trip?† â€Å"Like I said, I don't know. Really. But honestly†¦if they're making it this easy to find him, I have to think something weird is going on. Just be careful, okay?† His face was all seriousness now. â€Å"You're smart. You can pull this off.† â€Å"And I don't suppose, at any point in this, you're going to tell me who this guy actually is?† â€Å"I believe ignorance is bliss.† I threw my hands up, not knowing what else to say. Carter traded a few more jokes with me and then rose to go. Hesitating, he gave me a curious look. â€Å"You sure you don't want to talk? You've obviously got something bugging you. â€Å" â€Å"I do. But I've got to deal with it on my own.† â€Å"Fair enough. See ya.† An eyeblink later, the angel disappeared. Seth showed up about an hour later, a little blue paint smudged on his face. â€Å"Terry and Andrea are painting the kitchen now.† I smiled at him, swallowing all the churning emotions within me. â€Å"How can you get so messy when you don't even do the painting?† I found a washcloth and dabbed at his face in a fruitless effort to clean him up. Standing so close, I suddenly had a flashback to last night. His hands stroking my breasts. Feeling him inside of me, filling me up. Our bodies moving together. His lips parting slightly when he came. â€Å"It won't come off,† I said abruptly, jerking away. â€Å"Oh. Okay.† I stayed moody and silent for the rest of the night, stiff and distant at any sort of touching. Seth picked up on the vibe right away and let me have my space. We walked a few blocks down the street to a theater that only showed Oscar nominees and artsy, independent films. We saw one of the latter, and I have to admit, it did take my mind off my love life, if only for two hours. Sitting at an Italian restaurant afterward, I let him draw me into a discussion of the film's merits. It amazed me that my mouth could keep up with the conversation while the rest of me was in an entirely different world. Over and over, I replayed what had happened last night – and not just the sex part. I analyzed everything, the events that had led up to it. Why had I done it? What had made me give in? Had it really been an altruistic attempt to fix Seth and me by removing the temptation? Had it been an aching desire to take comfort in Bastien? Or, most likely, had it been something selfish on my part? A burning desire to touch what I wasn't supposed to have – not because it might help our relationship, but because I just wanted to do it. I had wanted that pleasure. I had craved his body and simply gave in to the hedonism I longed for. I was a creature of hell, after all. I had observed before that we weren't exactly known for our self-control. Yet none of that changed the fact that it had happened. It had happened, and I had to do something about it. Or†¦did I? Seth sat across from me, looking happy and content as we talked. Ignorance really is bliss sometimes. I thought back to the lists. If he never found out, the truth couldn't hurt him. We could go on as we had. The only problem would be that I knew the truth. I had to live with this betrayal, not only of our physical relationship but also of our attempts at honesty and openness. One more entry on the list of dark and nasty secrets I already kept. â€Å"You with me, Thetis?† he asked suddenly. â€Å"Huh?† He gave me a small, sweet smile and moved his hand over to hold mine. I squeezed it back. â€Å"You look like you're miles away. â€Å" I gave him a half-smile in return. Apparently I wasn't as subtle as I thought. I looked at him, studying those beloved features, and shook my head. I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him. Not yet. â€Å"Just tired,† I lied. We shared a dish of gelato and then returned to my apartment. We had just set up the Scrabble board when I felt immortal signatures approaching. I groaned, not wanting to deal with this. â€Å"Hail, hail, the gang's all here.† Seth looked puzzled until we heard the knock at the door. I opened it, letting in Hugh, Peter, Cody, and Bastien. â€Å"You are alive,† said Peter cheerfully, smothering me in a hug. â€Å"We tried calling you tonight.† â€Å"And I've been trying to get a hold of you all day,† added Bastien pointedly. I was perfectly aware that he had called me many times. I had purposely not answered my phone. â€Å"Sorry,† I said to all of them. â€Å"Hey, Seth,† said Cody, clapping the writer on the back. The vampire and the rest of the immortals spread themselves out around my living room like they lived there. I gave their giggling and careless behavior a withering glance. â€Å"You guys been barhopping?† â€Å"Yup,† said Hugh with pride. â€Å"You – both of you – could have joined us.† â€Å"Fortunately, the night is still young,† declared Bastien. He strolled around the living room, arching an appalled eyebrow at the Scrabble board. â€Å"When you didn't answer, we decided to come issue an invitation in person.† â€Å"We're going to go shoot pool,† explained Cody happily. â€Å"Over at that place in Belltown. You guys should come along.† He gave Seth a conspiratorial grin. â€Å"Georgina's a wicked pool player.† â€Å"Thetis is good at everything,† Seth murmured automatically. I could tell by his body language he wasn't comfortable with a bunch of drunken immortals in the room. I also knew he didn't want to go out. â€Å"Sorry, guys,† I told them. â€Å"We've already been out. We're staying in.† This earned snide remarks and groans of disapproval. â€Å"Oh come on,† begged Hugh, trying to get Aubrey's attention with a cat toy on a string. She didn't fall for it and hissed at him instead. â€Å"We always get better service when you go with us.† â€Å"Besides,† said Bastien nastily. â€Å"It doesn't look you're doing anything else exciting. You should be grateful we came along. We're giving you something. Something you couldn't otherwise get.† I remained calm, but I think the others picked up on the sudden tension in the air. â€Å"Sorry,† I repeated. â€Å"We're staying in. You guys can hang out for a little bit, but then I've got to kick you out. We're doing our own thing. â€Å" â€Å"I wasn't aware you guys did anything at all,† muttered Bastien in a voice only I heard. Maybe the vampires too, with their superhuman hearing. â€Å"You got anything to drink?† asked Peter, gently nudging me toward being a good hostess. I was still locked in a battle of wills and eye contact with the incubus. â€Å"Yeah, I just bought a six-pack of Smirnoff Ice.† â€Å"Oh,† said Cody. â€Å"Score.† He and Hugh raided my refrigerator, passing out bottles of prissy malted beverage to everyone except Seth and me. We abstained. Lounging around, conversation on silly topics soon ensued, although Bastien, Seth, and I did not participate. Seth stayed quiet because he always stayed quiet in such settings. Bastien and I stayed quiet because we were pissed off at each other. I excused myself for the restroom and found Bastien waiting outside the door for me when I finished. â€Å"Alcohol runs right through you, huh?† I asked, pushing past him. He blocked my way, backing me up against the wall. â€Å"What the hell's wrong with you?† he demanded in a low voice. â€Å"Nothing. Let me go.† â€Å"Bullshit. I left you like a hundred messages. You're avoiding me.† â€Å"So? It's my prerogative. Just like that song.† He snorted. â€Å"Let me guess. You're having some sort of melodramatic moral crisis over what happened last night. That's so typical of you lately.† â€Å"Don't talk to me about last night. You shouldn't have done what you did.† â€Å"Is houldn't have? My God, Fleur ,don't act like you're the victim here. Nobody forced you. You more than consented. In fact, I daresay you enjoyed it.† â€Å"It was a mistake.† â€Å"And so avoiding me is going to fix it? Don't delude yourself. It wasn't a mistake. It was good for you. I helped you. I gave you something you would have never gotten otherwise. You'll remember it for the rest of your life.† â€Å"Gee,† I said, dripping sarcasm. â€Å"How kind of you. Because that's really all there was to it, wasn't there? You only did it to help me. Nothing more. You certainly didn't do it just because you could. Because I was ‘beautiful and I was wonderful and you wanted me.' â€Å" â€Å"Listen to me – â€Å" â€Å"No. You listen to me. If I want to avoid you, let me avoid you. Don't show up at my house drunk and try to force your way into a dialogue. It makes you more of an asshole than you'd be otherwise. I don't want to talk to you. Not anytime soon. Maybe not ever.† â€Å"Forever's a long time.† He leaned closer, one hand on my arm. â€Å"Don't you think you're overreacting to one fuck? Besides, you can't cut me off. You've got to help me with Dana.† â€Å"No,† I declared icily. â€Å"I do not. You're on your own with that. And if you get sent to Guam, then it's your own fucking fault. Maybe it'll give you some time to think about your relations with women outside of business.† â€Å"Damn it – â€Å" â€Å"Georgina?† We both turned and saw Seth standing in the hallway. Bastien and I were close – too close – but not romantically close. Anyone with half a brain could tell we were locked in a dispute. Our postures radiated it, as did our expressions. The grip Bastien held on my arm was not friendly. â€Å"Are you okay?† Seth asked carefully. His words came out low and measured, but I saw something unfamiliar in his expression. Not anger, but something else kindling in his eyes. He had told me once he chose his battles carefully, and I wondered then what he would do if he thought the incubus was a real threat to me. â€Å"We're fine,† I said. I broke from Bastien's grasp, and he didn't fight it. â€Å"Yes,† he agreed with a cold smile. â€Å"We're fine.† He walked past me but stopped when he was even with Seth. â€Å"You should be flattered,† Bastien told him. â€Å"Most women invoke God during sex, but Fleur yells your name. One would have thought you were a deity, considering how many times she paid homage to you last night.† He continued on to the living room, and I didn't even stick around to see Seth's reaction. I stormed after Bastien. â€Å"Get out,† I told him. I looked over at the other immortals. â€Å"All of you, get out now.† Peter, Cody, and Hugh stared at me in astonishment. I'd kicked them out a number of times, but none of them had ever heard me use this voice on them. Consequently, they heeded it. They scrambled out the door in under a minute, Bastien shooting me a dark glance as he left. When they were gone, I took a deep breath and turned to Seth. Anger and despair boiled inside of me. â€Å"Let me guess. You want to know what he meant.† His face was unreadable. â€Å"Honestly, I don't know.† He suddenly sounded tired. â€Å"I don't know if I want to.† â€Å"Yeah, well, I'll tell you anyway.† The words tore at me while coming out, but I really didn't want to hold onto the secret anymore. Not only because Bastien had given it away but also because I knew I wasn't going to be able to stand having it fester inside of me. It hurt too much. Talking to the incubus had made me realize that. So while I didn't mention the pictures, I told Seth everything else. Everything. When I finished, he didn't say anything. He stared at some nonexistent spot in the air, face blank once more. After a couple of minutes of aching silence, he finally turned back to me. â€Å"So. How was I?†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

George says several times ‘If I was alone I could live so easy’ Do you think he is right? Essay

It was obvious that George and Lennie were great friends as they always stood by each other and were rarely seen apart. However it was not the perfect friendship, as the book clearly establishes. George is often agitated by Lennie’s childish ways and he states that without Lennie’s company he could have a much better life, ‘I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail’. George constantly has to look out for Lennie and it’s as if he is responsible for two people. We see this early in the book when George says ‘you gonna be sick like you was last night’. George knows deep down that he doesn’t have to do this for Lennie but he continues to care for him as if he was his child. If George lived alone then he would only have to look out for himself and he would not have to be constantly checking Lennie and sorting his problems out. Lennie has the mind of a kid, therefore forcing George to treat him like one. He has to give in to him lots of times and he finds him self comforting him continuously. For example when Lennie cried about the mouse, George had to promise him a new one to get him to stop. This is probably very tiring for George, but he has to do it otherwise Lennie could do something stupid like harming himself. Lennie continually annoys George by being immature and dumb. George often says ‘Jesus Christ, you’re a crazy bastard’. We can see that Lennie frequently drives him to using the lord’s name in vain. George can not always be a happy and cheery man, as he has to be bossy and constantly worrying about Lennie. It can’t be much fun for George to have to watch his every move 24/7. He scarcely has enough time to look after himself. We see this when he has to warn Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife ‘Don’t you even take a look at that bitch’. I get the impression that George has not had much experience with women, how could he? What with Lennie always being there behind him. This has resulted in him not having a very good attitude towards women and it is a bad fault in his personality. If George was on his own, he could get to know the opposite sex better and maybe find a girlfriend. He definitely would like one as he says ‘I could live so easy, and maybe have a girl’. The worst thing about George always being with Lennie is the amount of trouble he has to get in because of Lennie’s senseless actions. This was first shown when we hear about the girl from Weed, if it weren’t for Lennie the pair would never have had to leave. The interview with the boss was also very risky and George had to use his quick thinking and cleverness to think up things to cover for Lennie. If he were on his own, he would have had no bother and could basically have just strolled on to that ranch. Although Lennie is good company for George and they are close friends, I think that George would be better off without Lennie. It would be a huge weight off his shoulders and he could get on with his own life. Lennie is not his responsibility, and I’m sure if Lennie had sense he would want his best friend to concentrate on their own dreams and goals instead of waiting on him all the time. Lennie is not the type of company that George needs; he is still lonely deep down.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sociology .. just paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sociology .. just paraphrase - Essay Example f)Master status. This refers to a particular status in society that automatically ranks above all others, placing the individual with these characteristics within the top element of his or her society. g)Status symbols. Status symbols are specific material clues that refer to an individual’s position in society such as a doctor with a stethoscope or an athlete with a basketball. h)Roles. Roles are specific patterns of behavior that are expected of people who fall within a specific social status position. K) Major institutions. A major institution is any institution as defined above that are significantly large and well organized such as a school system or the national government. n)Mechanical solidarity. This refers to a situation in which things happen essentially in the same way they have always happened bringing about social cohesion based on shared experience and knowledge skills. o)Organic solidarity. Organic solidarity suggests there is a sort of collective consciousness which exists due to society’s inescapable mutual interdependence which exists in proportion to that society’s complexity in its division of labor. The theory that Goffman presents suggests that the forces that shape who we become, who we are and how we will act in various situations is significantly affected by the people with whom we associate. According to this theory, each individual has a tendency to present ourselves as what we want others to think of us as if we are permanently on stage. In keeping with the metaphor, he suggests we spend a great deal of time rehearsing our performances in the backstage action using the life script we are given by our society prior to our ‘live’ performance. This performance, again like that seen on a stage, also requires the participation of other characters/cast/individuals if it is to be successfully presented to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Development of Media Art Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Development of Media Art - Dissertation Example Historical Aspects: According to Benjamin (1986) "technology transforms the entire nature of art", and the same can be witnessed throughout the past centuries, where the art form gradually developed from paintings, to print, to videos and finally to digital arts in recent times. It is on account of these changes, that the field of media art today; has transformed significantly, to include diverse practices used by the artists eventually translating into a wider audience and markets. The history and evolution of media arts is described in four key phases i.e. the era of films during the early 20th century; the invention of video and its impact on arts during the early nineteenth century; the beginning of the media arts movement during the late nineteenth century; finally culminating into the current trend - that of invention and development of digital media triggered by the technological revolution during the late nineteenth century. Films during the early nineteenth century could mai nly be categorized into two distinct categories i.e. those which catered to the commercial aspects and followed the narrative style and those which were experimental or 'short films'. The innovation in the field of media arts during this era was mainly with regard to the use of sounds, and other artistic techniques such as use of special effects such as slow motions, or close-ups as well as the ability to edit the films. These techniques were mainly followed for both narrative as well as experimental films. According to Renan (1967) most of the films developed during this period were 'experimental' in nature, which explored subjects and themes which were highly controversial. This eventually gave rise to the documentary film making, which was dominant during this era. The next phase i.e. during the 1960s was marked by the advent of video, within the arena of media arts, which was further fuelled by the invention of television and broadcasting technologies (Vogel, 1998). However sinc e these inventions were relatively new, the cost of producing and implementing such technologies was relatively higher and hence it restricted the open and liberal use of this form of media by the artists (Rush, 2001; Hanhardt, 2000). However, the scenario changed drastically over the years, and the art form gradually expanded to include a wider variety of media arts (Furlong, 1983; D'Agostino, 1985). These new developments brought about a new and fresh wave of changes in the field of media arts leading to the influx of new artists who excelled in the art form, and ultimately changed the existing and conventional media practices adopted by artists during those times. The subsequent years i.e. the years between 1960 and 1970 saw another significant wave of change, which culminated into the launch of the Media Arts Movement, whereby the pioneers of the industry realized the need for change in the manner in which the current media was functioning especially with regard to the projectio n of issues concerning third world countries, and strived to bring about relevant and effective changes. This was the era which was dominated by an ideology whereby media was perceived and practiced as a predominantly artistic form rather than acknowledging its commercial aspect, which was largely ignored. Eventually towards the end of this decade, the prices of the film

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Moral Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Moral Problem - Essay Example This occurs when an organization has control over a large part of the market when compared to its main competitors (34). In most cases, the companies are normally given leeway to operate at the same level and in the same environment with other smaller companies. This is normally controversial because the smaller companies are expected to compete for the same customers as the bigger companies, even if they (the smaller companies) may sometimes have fewer resources. The matter is not helped by the fact that most governments do not have any legal frameworks to act as guides to what extent big multinationals can compete with smaller local companies (Koggel 47). Wal-Mart is inarguably the world’s largest retail store with operational branches in more than half of the world’s main cities. Due to its size and resources, the mega-store chain can afford to offer consumer products at relatively cheap prices as compared to other similar stores. This is normally a great problem to the smaller home grown retail stores which have to make profit and remain competitive at the same time. If they were to offer their products at the prices offered at Wal-Mart, many of them would incur great loses and would have to close business if they continued doing so.

Friday, July 26, 2019


IMPACT OF VIDEO GAMES ON STUDENT GPA and STUDY HABITS - Research Paper Example According to Diamong and Sauer (2014) video games have no effect on GPAs. Specifically Math and Reading performance remain unaffected among adolescents. On their part, Mifsud, Vella and Camilleri (2013) cited mixed outcomes on learner literacy. Blumberg et al (2013) noted the lack of findings on the effects of violent video games on GPA prevents an informed position on the issue. In light of these balanced findings, common thing is that proper instruction could control any negative impacts of video games on GPA. Blumberg, F.C., Altschuler, E.A., Almonte, D.E., & Mileaf, M.I., (2013). The Impact of Recreational Video Game Play on Childrens and Adolescents Cognition. New Directions for Child & Adolescent Development, 2013(139), 41-50. Mifsud, C.L., Vella, R., & Camilleri, L., (2013). Attitudes towards and effects of the use of video games in classroom learning with specific reference to literacy attainment. Research in Education, 90,

Martha Stewart Fraud Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Martha Stewart Fraud Case - Essay Example The lucrative career of Martha Stewart includes caterer, business owner, home living expert and stockbroker. Martha Stewart Living Omni media can be considered as her success story which has turned from a catering business to a popular and well-recognized brand. According to an author, â€Å"To the degree that her business partners were prepared to help advance the success of Martha Stewart, she was prepared to work with them. To the degree that they got in her way, she was willing to roll right over them† (Daniels Ethics1 2). Peter Bacanovic was the stockbroker of Martha Stewart. She along with her stockbroker has been indicted for â€Å"making false statements and conspiracy to obstruct justice† (Reynolds 1). The Insider trading scandal threatened the career of Martha Stewart’s career. The scandal took place due to the association with the ImClone System. It is a biopharmaceutical company. Martha Stewart owned the stock of this company. However, the FDA refused to review the cancer drug Erbitux of ImClone system. It tumbled the stocks of the company. However, same thing occurred with the insiders of ImClone. Martha Stewart was the potential stock owner. She was one of the closest friends of CEO of the ImClone. However, she gave instruction to his broker to transfer the money invested in stock to the bank account of his daughter. Peter Bacanovic was also the broker of the CEO of ImClone, Mr. Sam Waksal. However, his daughter also has requested the broker to sell her stock capital. The CEO of ImClone was arrested due to obstruction of justice, bank fraud and insider trading. He was sentenced to seven years of jail. However, he got released after the five years of jail term.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research paper Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Essay

Research paper Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Essay Example There are several contributions that it has given to the world like paper, gunpowder and other elements that are still useful to the modern world. In several conditions around the world, Chinese culture has been represented in several ways. However, there are certain things that must be analysed carefully. In this paper, there will be a focus on the Chinese cultural aspects present in the films, in particular, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. At the same time, there will be a thorough analysis of the different elements in the film where there is a contention that is present in it since it there is a possibility of divergence from the concept of Chinese culture. There will be also an assessment of the different cultures that have risen in the film and prove the context of hybridity in this case. All the more, there will a deliberative approach on how globalization is considered to be one of the major factors that led to production of the said film. The film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is a film by Ang Lee intended to highlight and showcase the significant things about Chinese culture and to present it to the world and this is considered to be break for him.1 In this film, he has focused more on incorporating different Chinese cultural elements all packed in to one. The film revolves around the story of â€Å"two warriors in pursuit of a stolen sword and a notorious fugitive are led to an impetuous, physically-skilled, teenage noblemans daughter, who is at a crossroads in her life.† 2 This is the main story of the film. Upon appearance of this film in the general market, people have liked it appreciated and it has garnered several achievements and one of the critically acclaimed works by Ang Lee. 3 The incorporation of the different Chinese cultural could be considered as the very foundation of the film for being an international hit. This film by Ang Lee is also

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Types of Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Types of Power - Essay Example 113). To gain this type of power, a leader must also be respectful to other people, hardworking, industrious, collaborative, and sensitive to the needs of others. Referent power influences employees or individuals because the manager or leader serves as a role model that everyone must follow. When individuals have perceived that leaders deserve respects, they will instantly comply. The leader will no longer use the legitimate power to command or influence other people. Furthermore, expert power â€Å"exists when the agent has specialized knowledge or skills that the target needs† (Nelson, 2011, p. 177). Based on the tutorial, the agent is making suggestions on the best wine and food to be served. It shows that a leader is more knowledgeable and reliable on the services that might be significant to an individual. When the target acknowledges the expert’s suggestion, it signifies trust. Therefore, in order to be accredited as an expert, a person must trust and rely on the given information. The expert power is relevant for leaders because followers allow them to shape their behavior, beliefs, principles, and attitudes. The followers often accord with the expert’s advice. They intend to listen carefully because of the trust factor. Generally, these two types of powers are the most effective because they do not force other people to follow. Other types of power coerce people to comply, but it is only temporary. On the other hand, expert and referent influence people to act even though they are not physically present. Thus, they result in long term commitment and motivation. Powers may vary in their usage depending on the situation. In my case, I could use expert power in my field of study when other people have no frame of reference. I could suggest on special matters that need my knowledge on business. Moreover, reward is the easiest to use, wherein a person is bribed to accomplish a task. It is the method of motivating other people, which offers

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Major fire or explosion at an industrial production, transportation, Research Paper

Major fire or explosion at an industrial production, transportation, or storage facility. I have picked the phillips disaster of 1989 - Research Paper Example The explosive force is said to be 2.4 tons of TNT triggered by unidentified source of ignition. The ignition sources could be catalyst activator, forklift, welding or cutting-torch equipments or the electrical gear in the control rooms or in the finishing building. The debris spewed to a distance as far as six miles and seismographic data revealed the explosion at 3 to 4 on the Richter scale. The main explosion was followed by another explosion within 15 minutes when two huge isobutene storage tanks exploded. In all, there were six more explosions at the site (Bethea, Robert). The initial explosion caused the death of 23 persons which included 21 employees from the Phillips and two were from contractors maintenance team. All fatalities occurred within 250 ft of the initial gas point of release (Bethea, Robert). 2. Phillipss operating procedure mentioned that the pipes that supply air to the valve actuator should not be connected during the time of maintenance; however, that was not the case as it could be connected during maintenance. 3. The air supply valves were in the open position to allow the air flow making the actuator to rotate the Demco valve as soon as the hoses were connected. The valve lockout system was not such that it could prevent someone from opening the Demco valve during maintenance of the plant. (Bethea, Robert) b) The lockout device was taken out from the Demco with the air supply reconnected and the block valve was in open state with the leg closed which was subsequently opened to the atmosphere without Demco valve relocked (Bethea, Robert). The site had no fixed gas detection system though it held huge quantity of inflammable material under high pressure. This prevented early warning signals of gas leak or release (Health and Safety Executive). In an attempt to douse the fire, firewater was taken from the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ufo Truths and Lies Essay Example for Free

Ufo Truths and Lies Essay When is the truth a lie?.. When it is only half told. The truth like an arrow in flight, if it deviates by a plus or minus . 0 degrees, in any direction, will not hit its mark. True it may come pretty close, may fall with in acceptable boundaries, but more times than not it will miss the mark altogether. Seems to me people always say they want that arrow (the truth) to hit dead center bulls eye all the time, but because of hidden agendas though the aim, was true when the arrow was loosed, the arrow ends up being deflected by things beyond the archers control and never is a solid hit. It is time for people to realize the government is not the only one that, under the guise of looking out for the public good or doing the right thing, because of their actions, turn whole truths into full lies, for a half truth is still a whole lie is it not, for there are no such things as half lies, lies are lies, and that is that Today the UFO and Alien Abduction Phenomena has finally stepped from the shadows and has taken its place in the full light of public awareness. Now we see flying saucers and aliens used to sell us any and everything from A to Z. This is good to some extent for now people from all walks of life are finally taking an active interest in this ancient phenomena. Still I feel we have a long way to go before we will ever, if we ever, make heads or tails out of the riddles of UFOs and ETs. Today they are being called everything from Angelic to Demonic, to Ascended Masters, and this can well be understood because the phenomena crosses all of the boundaries of the paranormal. If we are ever to get a handle on this slippery perplexation we must be willing to toss aside old ways of seeing and believing and be willing to look at things that we have been over looking either because of our fear of being ridiculed as fools by our government, gullible by the scientist, or heretics by our church. All the while these very same institutions claims it is for the good of the public that we forget this stuff and go on with our lives for it will drive you crazy, send you into a cult, or to hell. So far depending on which of these three institutions the investigators hale from this phenomena is viewed differently. If it is a government investigation it will not tell all it finds out because of National Security. If is a scientific investigation anything of a non tangible nature will be ignored. If it is a religious group anything that smacks of paganism, E. S. P, witchcraft, or magic will be excluded. Thus in the end, none of the investigators ever allow themselves access to the full scope of the phenomena they are trying, or at least claiming to try to investigate. It all depends on the mind set of the investigator that the True Experiencer tells their encounter to as to the spin that will be put on it when the a fore said Investigator retells and retails the Experiencers story. Very often those points of the Experiencers experience that clash with their ( the Investigators ) belief systems will be left out of the report or twisted to mean something else. Sometimes this is deliberate but at times it is accidental for the Investigators more times than not is not an Experiencer, and so over looks the subtleties of the encounter for the more sensual or sensational points of it. There in is the problem, for as I have learned because of my many encounters, the ETs tend to speak more to that part of the mind we call the sub conscience for that is the realm of the Quantum Mind. It is because the Investigators focus mainly on the realm of the Linear Mind ( the physical ) they often over look the deeper meanings and obvious messages and information that are sometime passed during the encounter. The Linear Mind speaks person to person, The Quantum Mind speaks Species to Species. I will explain by using the Betty Hills encounter for that is well known. Betty Hill was given a book by one of the beings she encountered, which she wanted to keep as proof that what she had experienced was real, and was told she could keep it, but the book was taken away. She was shone a star map that she was told was useless for her if she did not know where she was located on the map. A needle was put into her navel and she was told it was a test for pregnancy, but she knew that, that was no pregnancy test she had ever heard of. When these actions are viewed Linearly , that is to say in the context of the every day mind of her time these entities were deceitful tormentors. Today we know that the star map she was shone was accurate and did pinpoint the area that she was told the entities came from Zeta Reticula.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Posters of the Second World War An Analysis

Posters of the Second World War An Analysis What was the impact of the posters from the Second World War?Why are they still popular? Introduction: For my dissertation I have chosen to look at the posters from the Second World War. The idea to look at these posters came from my own interest in the war, the 1940s and the propaganda posters. I wanted to look further into them; why they were created, and what for?, did the posters do anything to help people during the war? And how/ why they still remain so popular today? After researching the era, researching the posters and visiting various places I decided I wanted to look at how people acted upon these posters and how they all helped with the war effort. Life changed massively from the moment it was announced Britain was at war Everything was rationed from food to petrol, gas masks were issued, children had the option to be evacuated, men were going to war and women were working. Even though there was so much going on and your normal day to day life could change at any moment the government wanted to try and get people to work and live as normally as they possibly could. The government was issuing hundreds of posters; urging people to work for victory, reminding you to wear your gas masks, talk less, turn off the lights, walk to work, plant vegetable, health posters and so many more. I wanted to look into these posters and how they helped people throughout the war and if they did help at all. There was so many posters produced, some of the posters I wanted to look at are: Keep Calm and Carry on, Dig for Victory, Make do and mend, Dont do it, mother leave the children where they are and a few more. One of the many things of the war I have always found interesting and is something I wanted to look at within this dissertation is family life Evacuation and the make do and mend. Evacuation of the war was one of the greatest movement and decisions made by the government during the war over 3,500,000 children were taken away from their homes to avoid the bombings and move out to the country and smaller areas less likely to be attacked. The first big attack on London lasted up to 76 days and nights, thousands were killed, injured and made homeless: The homeless resulted to camping nearby and thousands of people slept on the platforms of the underground stations each night. The main places were evacuation was taking place were on large cities such as London, Manchester, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bristol and Glasgow. Even though evacuation was an optional thing to do the government tried to push it as much as possible so children were safe and out of the way. After a while n othing was happening and parents felt that their children had been sent away for no reason, the government produced hundred more posters to try and explain that this wasnt the case. I wanted to look more into these posters to find out when these posters started to go out to the public, what the reaction was and if they did work like they hoped. Chapter One: The Second World War Why were these posters produced? Did they do anything? Chapter Two: Keep Calm and Carry On Why has this poster become so iconic? Chapter Three: Imitations and Popularity Why are these posters still so popular? How have they been reused? Chapter One:The Second World War Why were the posters produced? Did they do anything? Before the war officially broke out the government tried everything to prepare Britain for what was to come. Posters were one of the main ways to get the message across to the general public, which means these posters would have been seen everywhere. So many posters were produced during the second world war informing the general public on everything; Appeals and instructions, Immunization against Diphtheria, preventing the spread of a common cold, women covering their hair in factories, Dig for Victory and so many more. The earliest poster produced by the Ministry of Information was your courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your resolution will bring us victory which was one of three in a series of posters produced in 1939. Evacuation:Evacuation began on 1st September 1939 inn major cities such as London, Manchester, Belfast and Liverpool. The government wanted the children out of the way before the attacks started, it was expected that the war would open with a massive aerial attack on British cities. The government designed came up with the idea to protect people in Britain but particularly children by moving them to areas thought to be less at risk. School children (827,000) and their teachers, Mothers with children under 5 (524,000), Pregnant women (12,000) were evacuated. There were many posters produced by the government for the idea of evacuation; Mothers send them out of London -even though evacuation was voluntary the government tried to urge women to register their children for evacuation to protect them from what was to come and they would be safer from the bombs in the country. Evacuees returned home January 1940; The period known as the Phoney War, no real danger was happening and a lot of people felt cheated that they had sent their children away for no visible reason. Efforts were made to persuade parents that it was their patriotic duty to send their children back to the country. With children returning home the Ministry of Health produced more posters warning mothers not to be tempted by Hitler and the non- events that have happened; DONT do it mother LEAVE THE CHILDREN WHERE THEY ARE. Many of the posters produced at this time for evacuation were talking to the mothers trying to persuade them to leave the children where they are where they are the safest. This particular poster is one of the most recognised; it portrays a mother and her two children with a ghostly figure of Hitler saying take them back! Take them back! Take them back!. The design of the poster is very simple with a hand drawn black and white image with the text being the main focus h ighlighted in red. The one downside to the evacuation at first was not everyone was keen to take the children in but for some they did go and live with family or family friends. It might be you! Caring for evacuees is a national service These posters were produced to remind people of their duty to help with the war efforts by taking in the homeless from the cities. Dig for VictoryRationing began 8th January 1940 just months after the Second World War broke out. The Dig for Victory campaign was set up during the Second World War by the Ministry of Agriculture; the idea was to encourage men and women to grow their own food to help with the war effort. Many open spaces were turned into allotments; a garden, public parks even the lawn outside the tower of London was turned into a vegetable patch. Before rationing and the Dig for Victory campaign was introduced Britain was reliant on the cheap imports of food from overseas; main suppliers were from Canada and America. Everyone had to help with the effort: Men, women and children everyone could do their bit whether it was looking after an allotment or growing vegetables in the garden or window box. The Dig for Victory campaign seemed to be successful with getting the help with the war effort message across. It became a part of childrens everyday school routine all children helped digging by going to the parks in the afternoon to dig up carrots, cabbages and potatoes. By 1943 there were over 1.4million allotments producing over a million tons of vegetables that year. Two very iconic posters are Your own vegetables all the year round if you dig for victory now and Dig for Victory they both have two very different designs with the same messages. Out of the both of these posters the most iconic and recognisable is the poster of the young boy with his back to you while his walks off to contribute to the war effort. This has such a basic design and colour pallet but with a clear Dig for Victory message. The other however is similar to the evacuation poster, the main focus of the poster is not meant to be the imagery but it is the text. This has been highlighted in yellow and black along with a large font to grab your attention. There were many posters produced for the Dig for Victory campaign and others by the Ministry of Health. The Ministry created cartoon characters such as Potato Pete and Doctor Carrot, the idea was to show how good these vegetables were for you. Slogans read: Im a protective food- says Potato Pete, Call me often and youll keep well Doctor Carrot. These adverts/ posters proved successful and were popular amongst children as they both had songs to go alongside them as well as recipe books for the parents. Dig for Victory, grow your own vegetables now, your own vegetables all the year roundif you DIG FOR VICTORY NOW! a lot of posters produced showed more women working than they did men at this time; As a lot of the men went to war it was the womens job to fill in and do the jobs the men had left behind. Rather than showing young women in elegant dresses, magazines and posters showed happy young women with pitch forks helping the war effort. Without these posters persuading and showing the women doing mens jobs (factory, farming, Mechanics) the jobs for women wouldnt have progressed like they have done and they would still be expected to be housewives. The Dig for Victory campaign proved to be one of the most successful from the Second World War. The idea of growing your own food didnt just stop straight after the war had ended, it continued for many years after and people are still doing it now. Both of these posters proved to be a huge success during the Second World War, the general public acted upon them and chose to do the right thing to help with the war effort. The posters changed the way the UK lived and worked for many years after and they still have an effect on what we do today. Chapter Two: Keep Calm and Carry On -Why has this poster become so iconic? The message Keep Calm and Carry on nowadays has been completely taken out of context and is seen everywhere; posters advertising events (pub quiz), used online (Memes Keep calm and go to Hogwarts), Companies are using the slogan and has appeared on Homeware and so much more. But why do people still love this message?The poster was originally produced by the Ministry of Information in 1939 after the outbreak of the Second World War. The Ministry of Information designed three morale boosting posters which were to be displayed across Britain. They read; Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring us Victory, Freedom is in Peril, Defend it with all your might and Keep Calm and Carry On. Two out of the three posters were seen on public transport, in shop windows, on notice boards and many other places across Britain. The Ministry of Information produced hundreds of posters during the war to spread important messages. During the war the main way of reaching people was thro ugh billboards, public transport and in papers during the 1940s people werent trying to compete with television, internet and social media. The Keep Calm and Carry on poster was rediscovered in 2000 at Barter Books in Alnwick, Northumberland. The owner of the shop found the poster folded up at the bottom of a box of books. After the poster was found it was framed and hung in the shop It attracted so much interest that the owners began to produce and sell copies. Later this turned into more products and then soon after other people copied the keep calm and products with this slogan were seen everywhere. The plan for the Keep Calm poster was to only issue it on the invasion of Germany This didnt happen which meant the poster was never officially seen by the public. Over two-and-a-half-million copies were printed to be distributed across Britain. The Keep Calm poster is one of the many few during the war that wasnt telling people to go out and fight, dig for victory, made do and mend as well as careless talk. This particular poster was just a simple message telling people to remain calm during the situation and not to panic. The poster is now seen not only as a distillation of a crucial moment in Britishness, but also as an inspiring message from the past to the presentin a time of crisis Susannah Walker-Design Historian I agree with the previous statement, people admire many posters from the second world war for many reasons; some of the posters are still relatable, bring back memories and have stories to tell. However Keep Calm and Carry On it is one of the most well-known posters from the war which was never used. People nowadays still like this poster as it is a nostalgic memory from the war but when the series of posters were released people didnt like them; the people who saw the posters said they were patronising and divisive. The entire campaign produced by the Ministry of Information was completely scrapped just after four weeks. The posters they had printed were stored away and kept until April 1940, The majority of the posters were pulped as part of the governments idea to recycle paper so only a few copies survived. With its rising popularity over the years it has become one of the iconic images of the 21st century, not just from the original design but from everything that has come from this one image. The popularity of the poster spreads further than just Britain; it has been spotted in seaside town gift shops in America. When it reaches places like this the poster ends up losing its Britishness and becomes a very stereotypical thing about the country. Why is it hated? People like the original postern for how British it is as well as it having a sense of nostalgia and memories of the war as well as the message behind the poster; it is also hated by what has become of it and how it is constantly adapted online. Online was the first place where the poster began to go away from the original message; Keep Calm and Call Batman, Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata, Keep Calm and Eat a cupcake and so many more. Soon after the adapted versions were seen on mugs, notebooks, being used to advertise products People wanted to see the end of the poster after this. But why do we as a country still love and cling onto this poster?Realistically with the Keep calm and carry on poster people want to hate it (some do) and wish it would die of death like many other trends over the years, many people however secretly do like it.In the UK we are drawn instantly to anything baring the flag, Royal Family, Tea and all the normal stereotypical British things. It is the same with this poster; people are drawn to the Britishness of it and the calming yet nostalgic message. It is one of the many posters from the Second World War that at times can still relate to any issue going on in our country. It still spreads the same message to us now as it should have done then. Comparing the current government to the government then it would be difficult for them now to come up with a poster that has the same appeal to it powerful and simplicity might not be enough these days. Posters produced by the government now attempt to convince the public of a danger and get them to modify their behaviour; Keep Calm and Carry On tells you to think another way and continue acting as you have always acted. There would be attempts to create new and improved posters or even try and develop ones that already exist. If anything were ever happen to the United Kingdom like it did during the war, people would go back and dig out the old posters. They worked before, they will work again. Chapter Three:Imitations and Popularity Why are these posters still so popular? How have they been re-used? Many of the posters from the Second World War are always being imitated; if its to advertise new products of to promote a local event. These posters are always coming back around just designed in a different way; one of the easiest posters to re-produce is Keep Calm and Carry On. Keep Calm and Carry OnIn 2012 McFly promoted their tour called The Keep Calm and Play Louder tour the design of the poster was kept the same with the red background and the grown of King George but with the bands logo added to the image. Another company to use the Keep Calm was Nectar in 2010 to promote the loyalty card; Keep Calm and Carry One. The campaign was featured in over nine newspapers including; The Sun, Daily Mirror, Metro, The Times and The Telegraph. The design of the poster was kept similar to the original with the layout and text The background was the Nectar purple and in place of the crown was the nectar card. In 2012, Shepheard Neame released limited edition bottles; Keep Calm and Celebrate. The idea behind the bottle was to evoke on the country-wide pride during the summer of national celebration; London Olympics, Diamond Jubilee and Euro 2012 as well as to commemorate the Battle of Britain The bottles were only issued at large events. The design of the Keep Cal m was kept simple background changed to navy and in place of the crown was a spitfire. Ministry of FoodIt isnt just the posters that are always being imitated and reproduced, its even sayings and old campaigns. Back in 2008, Jamie Oliver released a book and TV series called Ministry of Food This has been taken from the food rationing system from the war.What was the Ministry of Food during world war two?During the Second World War the Ministry of food was more known as Minister of food and Minister of food control. The main task for the Minister of Food during the war was to oversee the rationing in the UK; originally the idea of rationing began as an experiment and for the ministry it worked surprisingly well. Rationing officially began in early January 1940 and was a major success of the Second World War. With the food supplies cut short because of Germanys actions and the needs of the services, rationing was an essential and by 1942 most foods were rationed. One issue the Minister of food had with the rationing was children they wanted to make sure that Britain wa s providing 650,000 children with free school meals and to guarantee them an adequate nutrition (for everyone not just the children). The minister of food released recipes to help people through the war to create simple and easy meals with the little food they had. Jamie Oliver TV program and book idea was an aim to try and recreate the success of the ministry of food and try and encourage healthy eating. From this program he set up four Ministry of food centres which were all offering the food he had been producing on the show. The title of the show is a play on the Ministry of food and Minister of food. Make do and mend Make do and mend isnt a poster that people are taking off but it is still something a lot of people do still follow. You could argue that we now live in a throw-away society when our clothes get stained or the seams of trousers show any wear we simply dispose of the item or rebuy them as clothing has become cheaper. There are however a lot of younger people who prefer to upcycle clothes or even make their own from rummaging through a charity shop. The Make do and mend campaign started when clothes rationing was introduced during the Second World War. The Ministry of information produced a pamphlet encouraging people to do whatever they could to extend the life of their clothes (a leaflet which is still reproduced and sold in some museum gift shops). The campaign played an important part in the daily life during world war two. The shortage of clothes was down to sinking ships coming into England as well as the clothing manufacturers were commissioned to manufacture uniforms as a priority. As clothing was now a shortage, in 1941 clothes rationing was introduced: people were given 66 coupons a year (which was later reduced) a womans blouse was 12 coupons, 11 coupons for a dress, 2 for socks/stockings, 8 for a mens shirt or trousers, 5 for womens shoes and 7 for men and extra coupons were given to children. As everything was being rationed clothes had to last a lot longer so people began to make new clothes from the old and from a ny other household linen. Nothing was thrown away, especially if it could be made into something else. A pamphlet was part of the campaign and was intended to provide housewives with useful tips and ideas on how to reuse old clothing. Readers were advised to create: decorative patches to cover holes on warn garments, unpick old jumpers to re-knit alternatives and turn mens clothing into womens. One of the hardest things for parents with the clothing ration was struggling to clothe their growing children Clothing Exchanges were set up by the womens voluntary service to help meet these parents needs. Parents could take clothes their children had outgrown and swap it for new clothes. Like I mentioned previously a lot of people do enjoy Sewing, knitting, crochet and making their own clothes and it is still a popular thing to do. I think that the make do a mend campaign is still applies now and people do still follow the ideas and information inside the pamphlet like people did then. Within this dissertation the one poster I wanted to look at more so than the others was Keep Calm and Carry On. It is the most overused poster from the 1940s and has slowly become one people cant stand. The meaning behind the poster has been lost and taken out of context, from the way it is used online through memes to the way companies are using it to advertise products. I have discovered that a lot of the hate towards the poster has come from online and how it became adapted and stepped away from the original message; Keep calm and go to Hogwarts, Keep calm and call the doctor, Keep calm and let it go and so many more. The adapted versions are seen everywhere. In conclusion to this I have found out that the posters from the Second World War will always have a strong impact on Britain There was throughout the war and they have had a similar impact for many years after. These posters will always remain popular; we are drawn to them regardless if it is the original posters or somethi ng that has been created from the original. Posters such as Dig for victory is still a poster that is followed today with people still growing their own vegetables, Make do and mend is another poster which is still followed with people still making their own garments from scraps and new fabrics. Bibliography: Waller, Maureen (2012) A family in wartime: How the Second World War shaped the live of a generation: ConwayPages: 10,16,20,47,72,121,125 Williams, Brenda (2006) The World at War World War II: The Homefront: Oxford Ross, Stewart (2007) At home in World War Two: Evacuation : Evans Brothers ltd First News and The Silverline (2016) Voices from the Second World War: Witnesses share their stories with the children of today: London Walker Books and Subsidiaries The Story of Keep Calm and Carry on (Uploaded: Barter Books 28th February 2012) Dig for Victory (Uploaded: 20th March 2009) Imperial War Museum Collections Poison gas and gas masks : Join me in the 1900 [online] Evacuation in World War Two (2013) [online] The Evacuated Children of the Second World War : Imperial War Museum [online] Evacuation How it affected ordinary lives : Home sweet Home front (July 2011) [online] Dig for Victory: Home sweet Home front (July 2011) [online] How Dig for Victory campaign helped win the war The Telegraph (April 2013) [online] How to Dig for Victory : The Big World [online] Keep Calm and Carry On [online] Keep Calm and Carry on the sinister message behind the slogan that seduced the nationThe Guardian (January 2016) [online] Keep Calm and Carry On (2011) [online] I am the keep calm and carry on man The Independent (April 2009) [online] Keep calm and carry on -History [online] How long can the Keep calm trend carry on? The Independent (May 2015) [online] The Greatest motivational poster ever? BBC News (February 2009) [online] Nectar ad plays on wartime poster for new era of post-budget austerity -The Guardian (June 2010) [online] Make do and mend Victory living (2010) [online] Make do and mend -1943 -British Library [online] 8 facts about clothes rationing in Britain during the Second World War -Imperial War Museum [online] Minister of food Wikipedia Shepherd Neame produces limited edition spitfire bottle for 2012 events Big Hospitality (march 2012) [online]

The System Hacking Cycle

The System Hacking Cycle System hacking means to hack system password within the operating system. Many hacking attempts start with attempting to crack passwords. However, passwords are the key piece of information needed to access a system. Users, while creating a password, often select password that are prone to being cracked. Passwords may be cracked manually or with automated tools such as dictionary or brute-force method, each of which are discussed in this paper. Scanning and enumeration is the first part of ethical hacking and contains the hacker target systems . Enumeration is the follow-on step once scanning is complete and is used to identify computer names, usernames, and shares. Scanning and enumeration are discussed together because many hacking tools perform both. The system hacking cycle consists of six steps:- a. Enumeration b. Cracking Passwords c. Escalating Privileges d. Executing Applications e. Hiding files f. Covering tracks Enumeration occurs after making the IPv4 protocol independent of the physical network, the designers decided to make the maximum length of the IPv4 datagram equal to 65,535 bytes. This makes transmission more efficient if we use a protocol with an MTU of this size. HowÂÂ ­ ever, for other physical networks, we must divide the datagram to make it possible to pass through these networks. This is called fragmentation. The source usually does not fragment the IPv4 packet. The transport layer will instead segment the data into a size that can be accommodated by IPv4 and the data link layer in use. When a datagram is fragmented, each fragment has its own header with most of the fields repeated, but with some changed. A fragmented datagram may itself be fragmented if it encounters a network with an even smaller MTU. In other words, a dataÂÂ ­gram can be fragmented several times before it reaches the final destination. In IPv4, a datagram can be fragmented by the source host or any router in the path although there is a tendency to limit fragmentation only at the source. The reassembly of the datagram, however, is done only by the destination host because each fragment becomes an independent datagram. Whereas the fragmented datagram can travel through different routes, and we can never control or guarantee which route a fragmented dataÂÂ ­ gram may take, all the information is provided by other means such as the hop-by-hop options or other protocols. In its simplest form, a flow label can be used to speed up the processing of a packet by a router. When a router receives a packet, instead of consulting the routing table and going through a routing algorithm to define the address of the next hop, it can easily look in a flow label table for the next hop. In its more sophisticated form, a flow lab Many hacking attempts can initialize with to attempt crack passwords. Passwords are the important information which is required to login a system. Users, when creating passwords, often select passwords that are difficult to guess. Passwords are stored in the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) file on a Windows system and in a password shadow file on a Linux system. Manual Password cracking involves attempting to log on with different passwords. The hacker follows these steps: 1. Find a valid user account for password test. 2. You can create list of possible passwords. 3. Arrange the passwords according to possibility 4. Try each password. 5. Try and try for correct password. In its simplest form, a flow label can be used to speed up the processing of a packet by a router. When a router receives a packet, instead of consulting the routing table and going through a routing algorithm to define the address of the next hop, it can easily look in a flow label table for the next hop. In its more sophisticated form, a flow label can be used to support the transmission of real-time audio and video. Real-time audio or video, particularly in digital form, requires resources such as high bandwidth, large buffers, long processing time, and so on. A process can make a reservation for these resources beforehand to guarantee that real-time data will not be delayed due to a lack of resources. The use of real-time data and the reservation of these resources require other protocols such as Real-Time Protocol (RTP) and Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) in addition to IPv6. To allow the effective use of flow labels, three rules have been defined: 1. The flow label is assigned to a packet by the source host. The label is a random number between 1 and 224. A source must not reuse a flow label for a new flow while the existing flow is still active. 2. If a host does not support the flow label, it sets this field to zero. If a router does not support the flow label, it simply ignores it. 3. All packets belonging to the same flow have the same source, same destination, same priority, and same option. 2. ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows knowledge to be shared with the world. But what if you want to use the Internet to share knowledge with just one person? When web pages, e-mail, and even passwords are transferred across the Internet, they are free to be seen by anyone who cares to look. You may ask, Who is going to be looking, anyway? The answer, in most cases, is nobody. Anonymity can be your security. This is especially true of your Internet presence from home. However, the situation changes when you use your credit card over the Internet, or when you are a business on the receiving end of a credit card transaction. In such cases, anonymity clearly doesnt provide enough security. Furthermore, what if you receive a sensitive document, but you are unsure if the person who sent it really is who they claim to be? How do you know that this same document wasnt tampered with between the time it was sent and the time you received it? And what if you need to protect sensitive data on your web site, or perhaps you want to protect the data in transit to the user, or authenticate the user with a stronger authentication method? It prevents users from monopolizing limited network resources. It prevents users from using the system inefficiently. Network managers can do short- and long-term planning based on the demand for network use. Integrated Windows authentication is the most secure method of authentication, but it is available only with Internet Explorer. This authentication type had been known previously as NTLM authentication and Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication. In Integrated Windows authentication, the users browser proves itself to the server using a cryptographic exchange during the authentication process. Integrated Windows authentication supports both the Kerberos v5 and the NTLM (NT LAN Manager) protocols for authentication through the Negotiate package. If you are using Active Directory, and the browser supports it (IE 5 or above with Windows 2000), Kerberos is used; otherwise, NTLM is used. Both Kerberos and NTLM have limitations on their use. Interestingly enough, each ones strength is the others weakness. Kerberos generally works with proxy servers, but it tends to have a hard time with firewalls. NTLM generally works through firewalls, but it tends to have a hard time with proxy servers. 1. A manager checks an agent by requesting information that reflects the behavior of the agent. 2. A manager forces an agent to perform a task by resetting values in the agent database. 3. An agent contributes to the management process by warning the manager of an unusual situation. 3. PASSWORD INTEGRITY Authentication is an important feature of any secure web site. Every time a client browses to a web site, it needs to be authenticated before it can access the resources it is requesting. By default, that authentication all takes place on the server, and the client isnt even involved. Some authentication settings can make for easy access to a web site, but sometimes you want to limit who sees what information on your site. This is where more restrictive types of authentication come in. If your computer is renamed, the Internet Guest Account does not change and continues to use the old machine name. Because user accounts use security identifiers (SIDs) to identify themselves, changing the computer name doesnt affect the account name. When IIS receives a request, it automatically attempts anonymous authentication first. If anonymous authentication fails, it attempts to log on the user using another logon method. If no other authentication methods are enabled, IIS sends a 403 Access Denied HTTP error message to the client. You can use any user account that you wish for anonymous access, including the Administrator account. You can change access settings in the items Properties windows Directory Security tab, accessible by right-clicking the item in the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in and choosing Properties. (By the way, even though you can do it, dont use the Administrator account for anonymous access.) Basic authentication is a widely accepted means of authentication. Because all the information is presented and transmitted in clear text, its easy to use and makes for easy program interoperability, but the passwords can be found out faster than you can say security risk. Both the web server and FTP server components in IIS support Basic authentication. 4. CONCLUSION The simplest and the oldest method of entity authentication is the password, something that the claimant possesses. A password is used when a user needs to access a system to use the systems resources (log-in). Each user has a user identification that is public and a password that is private. We can divide this authentication scheme into two separate groups: the fixed password and the one-time password. In this group, the password is fixed; the same password is used over and over for every access. This approach is subject to several attacks. 4. REFRENCES for ethical hacking and password guessing techniques.